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Enjoy New Berlin is accepting applications for Room Tax Grants! 
The Room Tax Tourism Grant program is designed to promote tourism-related activity within the City of New Berlin with specific emphasis on tourism that is reasonably likely to generate overnight stays in hotel facilities.

Who is Eligible?
• Not for Profit Organizations.
• Project/event is located in the City of New Berlin and offers verifiable economic benefits to     the City of New Berlin through increased hotel room nights.
• Repeat grant applicants have filed timely post project/event reports.
The project/event or promotional opportunity must demonstrate economic impact a
s               it relates to tourism and is likely to generate hotel room stays within the City of New Berlin.

Eligible Projects and Use of Funds -
The City of New Berlin Tourism Commission will consider funding for projects and events
that benefit the City of New Berlin and will likely result in increased room stays within the
City. Items that can be funded by the Commission include:
• Design, production and placement costs for marketing that targets visitors from
   outside the City of New Berlin and its surrounding communities. This includes but is
   not limited to: brochures, fliers, posters, direct mail, registration materials, print ads,
   radio ads, television ads. Website enhancements that are reasonably likely to
   increase tourism and overnight hotel stay. Web and social media marketing that
   increase traffic of visitors from outside the City and its surrounding communities.
• Purchase of marketing lists, search engine marketing ad words, google ad words.
• Offsite signage such as billboards targeting visitors that live outside the City and its
   surrounding communities.

* NOTE: Payroll, positions or organizational operating costs will not be considered.
   Grant Limits


Grant Limits -
• Grant limits are subject to Tourism Commission discretion. Maximum request limit 40% of total event budget (not to exceed $5,000) per event.
• Grants are limited based upon available room tax funds.

Grant Application

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